Stay tuned for regular updates of workshops and activities I organise!

May 26th, 2019
Yoga Nidra - deep relaxation workshop
Welcome to the STRESS FREE zone!
Do you feel tired or overwhelmed?
Are you unable to relax?
Do you have sleep issues or you wake up not feeling rested?
Is your mind continuously turning and you find yourself exhausted?
This workshop is for you: experience significant relief and restoration through a soothing, effortless, deeply relaxing practice.
During this class we invite the physical body to rest and restore, while the thinking mind is first guided to awareness and then set free. The result is a calmed nervous system, a feeling of rejuvenation and profound relaxation.
Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic technique also called yogic sleep, conscious deep sleep or the yoga of sleep and dreams.
Nothing special is required of you to practice Yoga Nidra. Being comfortable as you lie down is all that is needed, so we will use bolsters, pillows and blankets to make ourselves cozy and keep warm. Eye pillows will be available at the studio, but if you have one, please bring your own.
This workshop is suitable for all. No yoga experience necessary.
Send an email to info@theyogaloft.be to sign up.

March 3rd, 2019
This practice calls you to show up and do it! No nonsense, no fluff, no excuses.
Come as you are, do what you can, honor the body, give it the boost it needs! There will be lots of tricks so you can play, enjoy the movement, work up a smile, maybe a sweat, definitely let your worries slip away and have fun with it!
In this 2 hours vinyasa flow we will move through postures with ease, and we'll cultivate an overall sense of vibrancy and vitality. You will walk out with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Join!
Send an email to info@theyogaloft.be to sign up.

January 13th, 2019
We are back with another session for people who can't touch their toes!
Join me at the Yoga Loft to find out about how your body is unique and wonderful, what are the sources of flexibility or lack of thereof, how your mind is actually running the show and your nervous central system has its foot on the emergency breaks...
We'll explore the fascinating fascia and the sacred sarcomeres, the strains of tension and the last frontiers of compression in order to address rigid ranges of movement and confining compensatory patters.
This will be an interactive session which includes a fun practice. Bring comfortable clothes, maybe a notebook, your curiosity and thirst for knowledge, be open to explore your body and your mind and take home a more comprehensive practice!
Please sign up for this workshop by sending an email to info@theyogaloft.be
Brussels Yoga Loft
18 Place du Tomberg
10h00 - 12h00
have a cup of tea with us!

December 9th, 2018
What is yin Yoga?
Yin yoga is a fairly new branch of yoga and is still quite unknown. It is rapidly gaining visibility and popularity, due to its benefits and health impact. With its functional and personal approach, yin yoga responds to our increasing need for self care, giving priority to cultivating self aweareness and inner silence,
Very different form her yang sisters, meaning active styles of yoga, yin proposes a passive practice, with focus on the connective tissues and fascia. Unlike Ashtanga or other types of dynamic practice, with the very active vinyasas, postures held for about five breaths, Yin invites you to pay attention to your body and what it tells you: we use the posture to get into the body, it's not about taking shapes, it's about internal processing. Only a handful of postures are covered and each is held a longer time, which allows you to sit with your mind, breathe through the thoughts, and let go. The benefit to flexibility, with regular practice, is enormous. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
In this workshop we will cover the difference between yin and yang, the limits of flexibility, the guiding principles of yin practice, the role of the breath. We will learn how to acknowledge the body, cultivating acceptance, bulding awereness.
Come explore this different type of practice and see how you can benefit!

October 21st, 2018
In, inside, inner, inward, within, therein, inmost, innermost... YIN!
Are you an Yinster? Does your yin yoga class always seem too short and coming out of the postures happening way too soon? This session is for you!
Join Sinziana for this journey within, explore the fields of sensations, walk the path of tangled feelings, ride the waves of the breath and map out to the intricacies of the webs, flows, tissues that wrap and weave into the body.
Please sign up for this workshop by sending an email to info@theyogaloft.be
Brussels Yoga Loft
18 Place du tomberg
10h00 - 12h00
have a cup of tea with us!

October 7th, 2018
Corpse pose, shavasana, savasana – call it as you want, that pose that looks like a nap at the end of your yoga class.... Often skipped, missunderstood, overlooked or underestimated, savasana is an essential and non-negociable part of the practice. It looks easy, but it might be the most difficult asana of them all.
“Just lying there” might come with a certain anxiety; or you might find yourself writing mental to do lists, daydreaming of upcoming vacations or dinner menus, checking your watch, recounting previous conversations, and so on and so forth... Or who was that, snoring?! A restless mind or sleepiness are common obstacles that could prevent us from getting the auspicious relaxation in savasana. Once you figure it out though, it might become your favorite part of your practice. And for a good reason!
Also referred to as “the dying that brings life”, savasana is very beneficial: it helps relieve mild depression, high blood pressure, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.
Join for a 2h workshop to explore different ways to come into your relaxation pose and learn to surrender, stop fighting the clock, make room for just being. Take away not only the key to know how to end the practice with a relaxed body and mind, but a tool you can use whenever you need to reboot and restart.
Please register by sending a message to info@theyogaloft.be
Brussels Yoga Loft
Place du Tomberg 18
10h00 - 12h00
have a cup of tea with us!

May 27th, 2018
Balance, be it physical, mental, or emotional, is hard to come by these days, but we 're all striving for it and we're quite uncomfortable with uncertainly and instability.Balancing postures make us feel light, they increase strength, they improve confidence. They also test our calmness and control over the nervous system.
Crow pose is considered one of the easiest to master arm balances: the arms become the legs of the crow, with the hands spread like the crow's feet, while the thighs and legs are folded up to become the body of the bird. We keep the body compact and close to the ground, supporting our weight on the hands. However, achieving that first lift-off can be quite challenging.
In this workshop you will learn what muscles have to be strengthen, which ones are engaged and which are stretched to be able to get into the pose. We will prepare the body with postures leading up to our peak pose, involving the flexion of the upper back, the strengthening of the core, the stretching of the inner and outer hips. And most important of all, we'll cultivate a joyful and patient approach of the practice, focusing on enjoying the preparation and not aiming solely for the outcome.
Fun fact: Crows aren't driven purely by instinct - they can experience anticipation, and exercise self-control if the end result is a greater reward.
Please register by sending a message to info@theyogaloft.be
Brussels Yoga Loft
Place du Tomberg 18
10h00 - 12h00
have a cup of tea with us!

March 25th, 2018
Hello Yinsters!
Remember the delicacies of your trip inwards? We're back with more! We've prepared another one of the yummy long sessions for our explorations of the inner world.
What can you expect from this session?
This workshop will be one of few words... Postures are seated or reclined, we are using props to ease into the position, we're addressing fascia and connective tissues, and not the muscles. We stay in each posture for a longer time, allowing the body to open in its own terms, observing the feelings and the thoughts shifting without identifying with them. We will enter a state of deep relaxation and release.
New to the tribe? Come discover a different type of practice, which will bring you closer to yourself, to your body, to the wondurous ways of your mind. This workshop is open to all.
Melt away the tensions in the body and create space in your mind!
Please sign up for this workshop by sending an email to info@theyogaloft.be
Brussels Yoga Loft
18 Place du Tomberg
10h00 - 12h00
have a cup of tea with us!

March 4th, 2018
Yoga for people who can't touch their toes - second edition
After we explored the stiffest yogis' complains last October, we are back with another session for people who can't touch their toes!
Join me on March 4th at the Yoga Loft to find out about how your body is unique and wonderful, what are the sources of flexibility or lack of thereof, how your mind is actually running the show and your nervous central system has its foot on the emergency breaks...
We'll explore the fascinating fascia and the sacred sarcomeres, the strains of tension and the last frontiers of compression in order to address rigid ranges of movement and confining compensatory patters.
This will be an interactive session which includes a fun practice. Bring comfortable clothes, maybe a notebook, your curiosity and thirst for knowledge, be open to explore your body and your mind and take home a more comprehensive practice!
Please sign up for this workshop by sending an email to info@theyogaloft.be
Brussels Yoga Loft
18 Place du Tomberg
10h00 - 12h00
have a cup of tea with us!

February 2018
Centre la Sagesse interieure
General Leman 32 - Place Jourdan
In the chinese horoscope, 2018 is the year of the dog and it starts on February 16th. Its element is earth and it's a yang year, a good time for lifestyle changes.
To celebrate the Chinese New Year, I invite you to join me for yoga! Every Tuesday over the month of February, for each yang session you subscribe to, you can attend a yin session for free and the other way around!
4 dates available, places are limited!
Send message to subscribe.

January 21st, 2018
Hello Yinsters!
Are you an Yinsider? Are you under the Yinfluence? Is your Yinner world Yinfinite and Yincredible and you find it fascia-nating? Then come on Yin!
Join me for a 2 hours sesion of yin (and yawn) and go deeper withYin!
Get closer to you Yinstincts, explore your Yinner Yintuition, come do that Yinside job! Yinspire yourself!
Yinning is winning, and you know it!
Brussels Yoga Loft
18 Place du Tomberg
10h00 - 12h00

October 15th, 2017
You've certainly heard of yoga.
Of course you have, you can't turn a corner without seeing a yoga mat these days or a pair of colorful funky leggings. You can't throw a frisbee in a park without seeing a group a peoplesitting in a circle, moving all together - arms up to the air, folding forward, twisting, this and that, and then laying dead for several minutes at the end, before they start hugging, rolling up their mats and setting off about their business with an explicable glow on their faces. Maybe one day you opened your mail box and, between all the bills, a flyer was waiting for you there, with bright colors and big words: serendipity, relaxation, inner peace and the like. You're really not into it though.
Maybe a new yoga center opened up right across the street for where you live. And there are yoga classes at work during lunch too. You couldn't bother less.
Or on the contrary, you were intrigued and you even summoned up your courage and you attended a yoga class. There was one for free with a new yoga teacher who needed to practice the freshly acquired skills. Or you thought, why not, I'll give it a try, sounds promising, and you bought a pass in one of the new centers, all the yoga you can get for a week for a fair price. Cause, let's face it, it doesn't come cheap!
Well, you tried. And you hated it!
Everybody was moving effortlessly, taking the most mysterious shapes, while you couldn't make up half of what was said, you tried hard to follow, and you ended up in a puddle of sweat and you ached with sore muscles for a week after...
Or one the contrary, you attended a class where everybody sat in silence with their eyes closed for more than half of the time, the instructor kept telling you to pay attention to the breath, they topped it all off with a little song about whipped cream (oooooommm chanti - chanti- chantillyyyyy!) It was the most boring thing you ever put yourself through, you swore not to do it again till the day you find eternal peace.
Well, I'm not here to tell you otherwise, I'm not here to convince you to give it another try and promise you'll love it!!! But do you know what yoga actually is about? If you do, you've got a few books from the library, you did your research, googled a few names and sanskrit words and still hate it, fair play! Then you can come and share what you've learned. But if you don't, wouldn't you want to find out more? What is it about yoga that makes people so drawn to it? Is it fashion? Is yoga the new zumba and a few years from now it will fade away and everybody can return to their jogging and pulling weights?
Join me on October 15th for a discovery journey!
Where? Yoga roots studio, Rue Le Titien, 46 http://yogaroots.be/
When? October 15th, from 11am
You don't need your tight yoga pants, nor a mat. All you need is your curiosity.
This is a donation based event (suggested contribution 20e). All the funds I gather will be donated directly to a school in Nepal (that part of the world is currently struggling with floods and destruction, with great numbers of people stranded and without a home, shortages of food and medical supplies).

October 8th, 2017
One of the most often heard excuses regarding people not giving yoga a shot is: “I can’t even touch my toes” or “I am not at all flexible”
Well… Guess what? Yoga is not about being flexible, but one of the side effects of yoga is that you become flexible : ) and stretching your muscles will result in a more flexible you!
And by the way, I couldn't touch our toes when I first started yoga!
Being flexible is something that is more in the mind than the body. During this class, I will help you (or at least try) to let go of the thought of reaching for the perfect pose. We'll release the barriers that you have created, and release that tension in your mind. We know that you will surprise yourself.
Still wondering how yoga could change your life as it has many others? Join for this workshop and find out!
Brussels Yoga Loft
18 Place du Tomberg
10h00 - 12h00